JIBC Critical Incident Stress Management Students

Is this program right for you?

The Associate Certificate in Trauma and Crisis Intervention (TCIN) program is ideal for anyone who wants to help people. Whether you face crises in your workplace or are exploring a new career path, you can gain the knowledge and skills needed to manage critical incidents. This program also covers how you can support people who experience stress immediately after a traumatic event. 

The TCIN program is for anyone who may provide or manage support services following a traumatic event or critical incident. This includes:

  • Advisors in human resources, schools, and post-secondary institutions

  • Firefighters

  • Paramedics

  • Law enforcement workers

  • Emergency social services workers

  • Crisis intervention workers

  • Victim services

  • Nurses

  • Doctors 

  • Child welfare workers 

Program Strengths 

Blended Course Delivery

This program involves online courses and courses you must take face-to-face at our New Westminster campus.

Expert Instruction

Train with leading experts in the emerging field of critical incident stress management. Practice crisis intervention techniques in a supportive environment and hone your skills. 

You will learn how to manage traumatic events and the emotional health and safety of those affected. The training includes:

  • One-on-one defusing

  • Psychological first aid

  • Group debriefing

  • Vicarious trauma prevention planning 

  • Critical incident stress management

  • Practical skills to guide people through crisis states

  • Skills to support your own well-being 

What You Need to Graduate

Full attendance is required to graduate. You must also complete 5.5 of the required credits and pass all courses and the CISM Simulation (CISM-1020).  


You must complete the courses within four years.  


Below are the required courses you must pass to complete the Associate Certificate in Trauma and Crisis Intervention:

  • CISM-1000: Introduction to Critical Incident Stress Management (7 hours)

  • CISM-1030 Applied Psychological First Aid (7 hours)

  • CISM-1005: Diversity and Trauma (7 hours)

  • CISM-1035:  Post-Critical Incident Stress Reactions (7 hours)

  • CISM-1050: Vicarious Traumatization (7 hours) 

  • CISM-1010:  Defusing and Crisis Management Briefing (14 hours)

  • CISM-1015: Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (21 hours)

  • CISM-1020: CISM Simulation (7 hours) 

Special Interest General Enrollment Courses

We also offer special interest general enrollment courses, in trauma and crisis intervention. These courses are not required for certificate completion. But you can gain valuable skills and information. The following courses may count towards your professional development credits with ATSS.  

  • CISM-1040: Building and Participating on a CISM Team (7 hours) 

  • CISM-1045: Supporting Children and Youth Post-Trauma (7 hours) 

  • CISM-1025: Managing Responses to Community Disasters (7 hours) 


Graduates of the Associate Certificate in Trauma and Crisis Intervention can apply for certification with the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists (ATSS). 

Program Format

Some courses are offered online, and some courses are offered in person at the New Westminster campus. You must be in the certificate program to attend the following in-person classes:


  • CISM-1010:  Defusing and Crisis Management Briefing (14 hours)

  • CISM-1015: Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (21 hours)

  • CISM-1020: CISM Simulation (7 hours)


Completion of all assignments and full attendance are required. The certificate can be completed in one year. You have a maximum of four years to complete all required courses.

For upcoming course offerings by date, view our Course Calendar. 


Tuition is $2494.30.

Each course is paid for separately at the time of course registration.

Additional Fees

To complete the TCIN Associate Certificate, you must pay an application fee of $75 via the BC Education Planner.

Textbooks & Supplies

We will supply you with course materials when you attend class. When you register for the program, we will advise you if additional books or materials are required. 

Applications for this program are now open. After checking course availability, apply online and submit your completed application form via EducationPlannerBC.

Important Dates

Click each course at the bottom of this page to see upcoming delivery dates and to register.

Admission Requirements

The courses and certificate program are open to anyone. There are no formal admission requirements.

Financial Aid and Awards

Candidates for this program may be eligible for JIBC awards and bursaries.

For more information, contact Student Services.

International Applicants

We encourage International applicants to contact our Office of International Affairs to learn how to apply. 

Q: Who should take this certificate program?

A: This program is for anyone who may provide support to those affected by a critical incident or traumatic event. This includes advisors in human resources, schools, and post-secondary institutions. It also includes first responders such as firefighters, paramedics, and law enforcement workers. Front-line responders such as emergency social services, crisis intervention, victim services, and healthcare workers such as nurses, doctors and child welfare workers may also appreciate this program. 


A: Trauma and Crisis Intervention consists of a variety of approaches to provide psychological and emotional support to those experiencing stress in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic event. Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is a comprehensive, integrated, multi-component crisis intervention system for managing traumatic events within organizations or communities.


A: Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is a comprehensive, integrated, multi-component crisis intervention system for managing traumatic events within organizations or communities. 


A: We will supply you with course materials when you attend class. If you need to purchase books or other materials, we will let you know when you register.

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