Course Details

Examine the response and recovery phases of emergency management. Building on Foundations of Emergency Management I: Planning & Preparedness, explore the theoretical frameworks and applied models related to emergency/disaster response and recovery. Learn about typical challenges to response and recovery efforts, as well as strategies to promote disaster resilience for the future. (Formerly ESM242)


  • ESMS-1300, and ENGL-1100

Course Offerings

Sep 03, 2024 - Dec 03, 2024
New Westminster Campus
EM 2: Response & Recovery
Seats available
hidden text
Sep 03, 2024 - Dec 03, 2024
Date Details
In-Class 2024/09/03 - 2024/12/03
Tues  9:00am-12:00pm
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
Other Fees
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees
Other Fees

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