Course Details

Open to anyone interested in learning about a career in the Fire Service. Participants are invited to the Fire Fighting Technologies Certificate (FFTC) Hands-On Information Session which includes valuable information as well as introductory hands-on firefighting activities at the JIBC Fire & Safety Division, Maple Ridge Campus. Minimum age to participate: 18 TIME: 9am to 12pm $25 fee is non-refundable. Max class size 35 students.


  • None

Course Offerings

Nov 03, 2024
Maple Ridge Campus
FFTC Hands-On Info Session
Seats available
hidden text
Nov 03, 2024
Date Details
In-Class 2024/11/03 - 2024/11/03
Sun  9:00am-12:00pm
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees

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