Course Details

Everyone within an organization is, at times, faced with the need to handle workplace conflicts, especially if you are in a leadership role. While it is commonly expected that this will be done effectively and respectfully, this can be an unrealistic expectation for those without training, assistance, or relevant experience. In this course you will access knowledge and skills to assess workplace conflicts and use collaborative processes to intervene strategically, either directly, or as a third party in conflicts. You will analyse workplace conflicts to determine whether a collaborative approach or a more formal intervention is appropriate. You will practice collaborative communication skills and enhance your leadership capacity to engage with conflict in ways that move all people involved towards mutually satisfying outcomes.

Face-to-Face: You will have the option to record your role-play activity on the final day of the course.

Online: The online version of this course is highly interactive and follows a pre-determined timeline with both Synchronous and A-Synchronous activities. Participants should plan to spend a full day (8 hours) for each course day to complete these activities. Synchronous (sync) activities are completed online through a virtual classroom with other students and the instructor. Asynchronous activities (a-sync) will be completed on your own during designated times throughout the day.

ONLINE (NEW): JIBC's Blackboard system requirements: Use the BB system check link to ensure your computer system is properly configured for our web courses. It verifies your browser version, settings and display settings on your computer. Click here for more on BB Browser Support. In this class, video conferencing will be used. Learners must have a camera and microphone. For an improved learning experience learners are encouraged to use a headset with mic rather than the computer speakers and internal mic. This course was previously offered in a face-to-face format only.


  • CRES-1100

Course Offerings

Nov 04, 2024 - Nov 06, 2024
New Westminster Campus
Conflict At Work
Seats available
hidden text
Nov 04, 2024 - Nov 06, 2024
Date Details
In-Class 2024/11/04 - 2024/11/06
Mon, Tues, Wed  8:30am-4:30pm
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees
Jan 15, 2025 - Jan 17, 2025
Conflict At Work
Seats available
hidden text
Jan 15, 2025 - Jan 17, 2025
Date Details
Online 2025/01/15 - 2025/01/17
Wed, Thurs, Fri  8:30am-4:30pm
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees

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