Critical Incident Response

Procedure Number
Policy Number
VP People, Culture & Organizational Planning
JIBC Executive
Effective Date
February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025
Procedure Statement


This procedure forms part of JIBC’s Occupational Health & Safety Policy (the “Policy”) and Emergency Management Plan and should be followed and applied in relation to critical incident support response. This procedure is used in conjunction with other crisis and threat management plans as appropriate for mitigating and managing critical incidents that occur. Terms not otherwise defined in this procedure are as defined in the Policy.

This procedure applies to JIBC employees and Students. 

Procedural Guiding Principles 

A Critical Incident is a sudden and unexpected situation or event connected to JIBC that causes one or more employees or Students to experience strong emotional reactions that have the potential to interfere with their ability to function. Examples include, but are not limited to, witnessing or responding to incidents involving death, assault, serious physical injury, threat of physical or psychological danger, and natural disasters.

This procedure ensures early intervention for employees and Students who have experienced a traumatic event. The objective is to reduce the distress of affected employees and Students and to mitigate the development of further, more serious difficulties.


  1. Identification of Critical Incident Response Requirement

All incidents, including Critical Incidents, are reported to JIBC following our Incident and Injury Reporting and Investigation process. Incidents are evaluated and flagged as Critical Incidents either by the reporter or by the designated personnel receiving the report. Incident management processes will include an assessment of critical incident response requirements.

Additionally, any JIBC Student or employee can request or recommend a critical incident response evaluation, including confidential support, by contacting one of the following: 

  • for Students: your instructor or Program Manager
    for employees: your direct manager


  • Senior Manager, Student Learning Supports & Disability Resources
  • Senior Manager, Health, Safety & Emergency Management
  • Director, People & Culture

  2. Critical Incident Evaluation & Response Plan Development

The Senior Manager, Student Learning Supports & Disability Resources; Senior Manager, Health, Safety & Emergency Management; and/or Director, People & Culture will gather information and assess the incident to determine the appropriate critical incident response plan and assign a lead for implementation. The Threat Assessment and Management Team; relevant educational leaders; and/or executive leaders may be engaged in the evaluation and plan development based on situational needs. 

The immediate Critical Incident Response Plan may include one or more of the following: communications plans; leader support materials; individual and/or group support processes (including structured support programs provided by trained professionals through our service providers); and access to additional resources.

  3. Implementation of Critical Incident Response Plan

The assigned lead will coordinate implementation to support all affected employees and/or Students. Urgent requirements will be provisioned within the first 24 hours following the notification of the critical incident, and the full response plan will be initiated within three (3) business days.

Any follow-up support requirements will be assessed and tailored to the situation and individual(s) involved.


Related Policies and Procedures

Documents and Forms