Occupational Health and Safety

Policy Number
VP People, Culture & Organizational Planning
Board of Governors
Previous Name
2405 Occupational Health and Safety
Effective Date
December 16, 1997
June 06, 2019

The Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its faculty, staff, students and visitors and to provide a model of a safe work environment. Additionally, JIBC must comply with occupational health and safety (OHS) and public safety legislation, including regulatory requirements applicable to its various areas of instruction, use or handling of hazardous materials or handling of wastes generated in its operations. Accordingly, this Policy articulates JIBC’s commitment to providing a healthy and safe work and learning environment and the responsibilities pertaining to this endeavour.

Policy Statement

It is the policy of the JIBC to provide a safe work and learning environment for all members of the JIBC community, in keeping with its vision of safer communities and a more just society, by:

  • establishing and maintaining an effective occupational health and safety program addressing Institute operations on and off-campus;
  • protecting the safety of all faculty, staff, students and visitors by eliminating or controlling hazards related to operating conditions and activities;
  • prioritizing a safe work environment in the planning, direction and implementation of institute activities; and
  • ensuring compliance with all relevant statutes, regulations and standards, and aspiring to implement best practices and procedures pertaining to occupational health and safety.

This policy and the procedures related to it, apply to all members of the JIBC community including faculty, staff, students, contractors, subcontractors, and visitors.

OHS Roles and Responsibilities

The JIBC Board of Governors has delegated the responsibilities of an employer under the Workers Compensation Act to the Executive.

The Executive is responsible for:

  • providing the management support and leadership necessary for the overall implementation and execution of the Occupational Health & Safety policy;
  • promoting a positive attitude towards health and safety in the workplace;
  • providing sufficient resources to implement the Occupational Health and Safety Program;
  • complying with legislated regulations, standards and established safe work procedures; and
  • co-operating with the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee to identify hazards, assess risk and establish controls to eliminate or reduce the risk of injury or illness.

Deans and Directors are responsible for:

  • implementing, visibly supporting, and maintaining the OHS Program in their divisions;
  • meeting all regulatory and JIBC standards;
  • ensuring all employees are adequately instructed and trained; and
  • performing regular inspections and assessments of work practices, equipment and work areas, and taking corrective actions as required in order to manage risk.
Faculty, Supervisors and Managers

Faculty, Supervisors and Managers are responsible for:

  • planning and executing all activities in a manner that achieves compliance with the JIBC safety policy and related procedures;
  • providing all employees and students with appropriate safety instructions;
  • demonstrating safe work practices and enforcing rules and procedures;
  • ensuring that all incidents resulting in injury or equipment damage, and all near-loss incidents with significant potential, are reported and investigated, and action is taken to prevent reoccurrence;
  • ensuring that First Aid and if required, medical treatment, is received for all injuries;
  • ensuring that work areas and activities are inspected at regular intervals to prevent the development of unsafe conditions and practices;
  • authorizing the action necessary to correct substandard conditions or procedures;
  • ensuring that the Senior Manager, Health Safety and Emergency Management, and/or the appropriate Dean/Director, is notified of safety issues which require attention beyond their own authority; and
  • listening to and investigating safety concerns or complaints.
Faculty, Staff and Students

Faculty, staff and students are responsible for:

  • working safely, in accordance with established OHS policies, procedures, guidelines and all applicable safety regulations;
  • immediately reporting to a supervisor all work-related incidents and near-loss events, and obtaining First Aid without delay;
  • actively participating in making their environment safe, healthy and productive;
  • promptly reporting hazardous or unsafe equipment, conditions, procedures or behaviors to a supervisor; making suggestions for their correction or taking corrective action where authorized;
  • wearing/using required safety apparel and personal protective equipment in accordance with regulation and as per the instructions of the supervisor/instructor; and
  • operating machinery or equipment only for which they are adequately trained and authorized.

Dean – The administrative head of a JIBC School.

Director/Program Director  – The administrative head of a JIBC program area, academy, division, centre or department.

Executive – Comprised of the President and Vice-Presidents.

Manager – A person employed or engaged by JIBC who is responsible for managing one or more programs and/or people.

Registrar – The registrar of the Institute.

Student – A person the Registrar recognizes as being enrolled in a course or program of studies at the Institute.

Student Awareness

Students are required to make themselves aware of all JIBC policies and procedures. Lack of awareness of this or any other JIBC policy, does not excuse students from responsibility for their actions.

Employee, Faculty and Contractor Awareness

Employees, faculty and contractors are required to make themselves aware of all JIBC policies and procedures. Lack of awareness of this or any other JIBC policy does not excuse them from responsibility for their actions.

Related Policies and Procedures

Under Development/Review

  • Management Meetings Procedure
  • Joint Health & Safety Committees Procedure
  • Orientation, Training of Employees Procedure
  • Hazard Assessment and Worksite Inspections Procedure
  • Written Safe Work Instructions and Procedure
  • Incident Investigations Procedure
  • First Aid and Emergency Response Procedure
  • Violence Prevention/Personal Safety Procedure
  • Contractor Safety & Hazard Communication Procedure
  • Disability Management & Return to Work Procedure
  • Mental Health Procedure
  • OHS Program Management Procedure