The purpose of this Policy is to provide direction on the use of Justice Institute of British Columbia (“JIBC” or the “Institute”) property for filming and photography.
JIBC reserves the right to control access to its property and the activities that take place on its premises. The Policy recognizes and affirms the appropriate use of film and photography, to support teaching, learning, marketing and communication practices, in addition to community and business activities.
JIBC further recognizes that film and/or photography is, increasingly, a social activity. In considering film and photography in the context of a respectful and safe learning and work environment, this Policy serves to acknowledge and support the privacy rights of individuals and the Institute’s duty of compliance with relevant privacy legislation. At no time should photography and filming disrupt the safe and peaceable operations of the Institute.
This Policy applies to all members of the JIBC Community engaged in filming and photographing (including drone operations) as part of Curriculum-related Activity and/or Institute-related Activity. It also applies to members of the public and other non- and for-profit organizations wishing to engage in filming and photography on JIBC property.
Employees – For the purpose of this Policy, the term "employees" refers to persons with any employment relationship with JIBC, including regular employees, casual employees, sessional employees, employees seconded from other organizations, and volunteers.
Contractors – Self-employed individuals or entities that provide services to multiple clients under a contract or agreement.
Curriculum-related Activity – Activity that contributes to the development and/or delivery of education.
Institute-related Activity – Activity that is sanctioned by and contributes to the operations of JIBC.
JIBC Community – All Institute Employees, Students, Board members, and any other person who is contractually obligated to comply with this Policy.
Student – A person the Registrar recognizes as being enrolled in a course or program of studies at the Institute.
Filming and Photography on JIBC Property
- JIBC campuses should be considered as private property, where JIBC community members should have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their daily routine. Filming and/or photographing may be permitted on JIBC property so long as it does not disrupt Institute operations and does not violate an individual’s rights, including their privacy rights.
- Employees, Students, and Contractors who are engaged in photographing and filming for Curriculum-related Activity or Institute-related Activity are expected to follow all practices, professional standards, permissions, processes and comply with all legal requirements in relation to the collection, use, storage and destruction of photographs and film that includes personally identifiable imagery.
- If filming and photography is related to media relations activities, then Policy 2603 Media Relations and Procedure 2603-001 Media Relations also apply.
- If a JIBC program area or operational division wishes to film or photograph on campus to promote an event, program offering or any other aspect of JIBC business, they must request permission from Brand, Communications and Engagement (BCE) a minimum of 10 days in advance. BCE reserves the right to withhold approval.
- Filming and photography used as part of research activities must adhere to the principles governing the ethical research requirements as set out by JIBC’s Research Ethics Board.
- Failure to comply with this Policy and its associated procedure may result in interruption and/or termination of filming and photographing.
- Any damage incurred to JIBC property will be at the expense of the group or individual engaged in filming and photographing.
- Students, Employees, and Contractors found to have breached this Policy or other JIBC policies may be subject to disciplinary action.
The procedures for filming and photography are set out in Procedure 2108-001 Filming and Photography.
Employee and Student Awareness
Employees and Students are required to make themselves aware of all JIBC policies and procedures including this one. Lack of awareness of this or any other JIBC policy does not excuse an Employee or Student from responsibility for their actions.
Related Policies and Procedures
- 2108-001 Filming and Photography Procedure
- 2404 Rental of Institute Facilities Policy
- 2603 Media Relations Policy
- 2603-001 Media Relations Procedure