Media Relations

Policy Number
VP Brand, Communications & Engagement
Board of Governors
Effective Date
September 23, 2024

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on media relations at the Justice Institute of British Columbia (“JIBC” or the “Institute”).

JIBC recognizes its role and responsibility towards enhancing public awareness of Institute decisions, direction, operations, goals and accomplishments. This policy supports the release of timely and accurate information through responsive and proactive media relations. 

Policy Statement
Media Relations

JIBC’s media relations is managed by the Brand, Communications and Engagement (“BCE”) division. As designated by the Vice-President, BCE (“VPBCE”), the primary contact for the media is the Communications and Engagement Advisor, supported by other members of the department as designated.

Requests for interviews, requests for comments about JIBC programs and services, requests for statistics or any other institute-related information must all be routed through BCE unless otherwise pre-approved by the VPBCE. This includes in-person, telephone or electronic inquiries.

If the media’s first contact is to a division other than BCE, the recipient must reroute the inquiry to BCE to facilitate. BCE will ensure the appropriate spokesperson or subject matter expert is connected and supported in communicating with the media. The VPBCE will also ensure that the Office of the President, the Board of Governors and any relevant ministries and core clients are kept informed of media queries as appropriate.

News Releases

All JIBC news releases are produced by BCE. Where media outreach is an objective of any department or initiative, the project leads work with BCE to plan the media release or contact media. Media releases of a policy nature or concerning the governance and operation of the Institute shall be approved by the Board Chair or the President respectively.


Confidential information related to any aspect of JIBC’s operations will not be released without approval of the Office of the President. In no instance shall a media release or an interview reveal or discuss any matters normally deemed to be of a confidential personnel nature.

Designated Spokespersons

Only the VPBCE, the President, or their designates, may speak on behalf of JIBC regarding issues that pertain to JIBC as an institution, including but not limited to administrative policies, strategic initiatives, institutional performance and official statements.

Only the Board Chair or their designate and the President or their designate can speak on behalf of the Board.


This policy applies to all members of the JIBC Community.

JIBC will provide comment to the media and the public on topics that align with the Institute’s mission, vision and values, including topics that:

  • Encourage best practices in public and community safety.
  • Discuss the latest trends in JIBC-applicable public safety education and training.
  • Relate to areas of applied research in public safety.
  • Contribute to thought leadership in public safety education, training and applied research.
  • Relate specifically to JIBC news.

JIBC will not provide comment on:

  • Specific public safety circumstances and events JIBC is not directly involved in.
  • Best practices in training related to specific events or circumstances involving public safety professionals.
  • Public safety organizations, their procedures, tactics or protocols.
  • Practices of public safety organizations in different jurisdictions.
  • Issues and topics that it does not provide training for.
  • Issues and topics concerning JIBC clients without approval by client.
  • Political issues related to the professions we serve.

Board – The Board of Governors of the Institute.

JIBC Community – All Institute employees, Students, Board members, and any other person who is contractually obligated to comply with this policy.

Media – For the purpose of this policy media includes traditional online, print and broadcast news outlets as well as podcasts, blogs, online community forums, streaming platforms and e-newsletters.


The procedures for responding to media relations queries are set out in Procedure 2603-001.

Employee Awareness

Employees are required to make themselves aware of all JIBC policies and procedures. Lack of awareness of this or any other JIBC policy does not excuse an employee from responsibility for their actions. 

Related Policies and Procedures