Course Details

Registration and Referrals describes the process for registering evacuees and for providing them with referrals for food, clothing, and lodging. It also covers basic interviewing skills. The course includes completion of the ESS File (Registration and Service Record) and Referral forms.

The Registration and Referrals course is now being offered online with a self-guided online component in the week prior to course and concluding with a live virtual session for 3 hours. The live virtual element runs from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on the final date of the course. Students must have access to a computer with microphone and a reliable high-speed internet connection.


  • Complete EMRG-1610;

Course Offerings

Oct 02, 2024 - Oct 08, 2024
Registration & Referrals
Seats available
hidden text
Oct 02, 2024 - Oct 08, 2024
Date Details
Online 2024/10/02 - 2024/10/08
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees

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