Woman holding notebooks in left hand and holding cell phone with JIBC Safe app on screen with outstretched right hand.

JIBC|Safe is a safety app that provides access to important resources and information whenever you need it. Users can be notified with important information when there is a disruption to campus activity.

There are different ways that you will be notified in the event of a campus closure or other disruption at any of our campus locations. When there is important information to share we will use some or all of these channels of communication:

  • JIBC|Safe App
  • Email notification
  • Text notification
  • JIBC website
  • Social media 

JIBC|Safe App

The JIBC|Safe app is available for download from the Apple App Store or from Google Play. Features include:

  • Notifications and safety alerts.
  • Guides for what to do in safety situations.
  • Health and safety guidance updates and resources.
  • Direct call to campus security and first responders.
  • Friend Walk – allow a friend to monitor your walk or ride home and provide a panic button in case of emergency.

JIBC|Safe Alerts

Sign up to receive email or text messages when there is a disruption to campus activities. These alerts can be sent to your email or mobile device without downloading the JIBC|Safe app. 


Website and Social Media

During a safety situation, important information will also be displayed as an alert at the top of our website and will be communicated on X (Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook.