Stephen Gamble and Family Award

The Stephen Gamble and Family Award was established in 2018 by JIBC Governor, Fire Chief Stephen Gamble, LLD in honour of JIBC’s 40th Anniversary and as part of the JIBC Future 40 Campaign to increase financial support for JIBC students.

The award provides financial support to students in the Fire Fighting Technologies Certificate program at JIBC.


One award of $1,000 is available annually.


eligibility Criteria
  • Canadian citizen, permanent resident or have refugee status.
  • Enrolled in the Fire Fighting Technologies Certificate at JIBC.
  • Demonstrated financial need not met by other available sources of funding including student loans, grants, sponsorship, and work income.
  • Involvement in school and/or community activities, especially volunteering, may also be considered. This must be supported by a letter of reference.


Application Deadline
  • May 30


Application Process

Download and complete an application form.

Download and complete a referee form.