This procedure forms part of JIBC’s Integrity of Research and Scholarship Policy (the “Policy”) and should be followed and applied in relation Visiting Scholars under the Policy. Terms are as defined in the Policy.
Procedural Guiding Principles
The role of Visiting Scholars is to support the vision of the Justice Institute of British Columbia (“JIBC” or the “Institute”) and to promote and develop high-quality applied research, education and scholarship activities within the JIBC. The Institute takes a broad view of applied research and scholarship and it is expected that those appointed under these provisions will demonstrate excellence and integrity in their work.
JIBC encourages the national and international visiting scholars, professionals and researchers to enhance its culture of applied research and scholarship. Appointments are temporary and self-funded. The Institute may, at its discretion and depending upon availability, provide in-kind support and services to visiting scholars (e.g., office space, computer, Internet, IT support).
Framework for the Interpretation of the Criteria for Appointment
1. Those appointed to Visiting Scholar positions have a major role in helping the Institute to achieve its Strategic and Applied Research Plans; however, these are typically self-funded by the Visiting Scholar or through successful grant applications. JIBC has no base budget for Visiting Scholar positions.
2. A key requirement for appointment is therefore the contribution that the candidate will make to the Institute in pursuit of its mission and strategic and applied research plans. Those appointed will demonstrate that they have achieved major contributions and shown potential for further achievement in the areas and disciplines that have a direct impact on the Institute’s mission and strategic and applied research plans.
3. A further requirement of the appointment is to address and identify resources in support of direct salary, conference presentations, publication, travel costs, or other costs or resources associated with a program of research.
Criteria for Conferment of Visiting Scholars
1. The procedure by which proposals for the conferment of the title “Visiting Scholar" will be considered relates to an individual who is currently employed as an appointed Professor or Researcher at another post-secondary institution or within a profession directly related to JIBC’s mission and mandate and the JIBC Research Plan. In certain circumstances, Joint Research appointments between the Institute and another accredited Post-Secondary institution (in Canada or internationally) may be considered on a case by case basis.
2. In appropriate cases the Institute may award the title of Visiting Scholar for a period of up to, but not exceeding, two years. The award of this title is to enable the Institute to recognize, in appropriate cases, the contribution made to their discipline by well-recognized academics, researchers or practitioners who are affiliated with the Institute and who contribute to its education and/or applied research programs.
3. Visiting Scholar appointments may be awarded to well-recognized academics, applied researchers or practitioners who meet the criteria set out in this Procedure, and where, through the practice of their vocation, discipline or profession the award is an appropriate recognition of their contribution. Visiting Scholars, unlike Institute Research Associates (e.g., Adjunct Faculty), may receive remuneration if funded by external sources (e.g., Grants, Fellowships, Scholarships, etc.).
Procedures for Conferment
1. All potential visiting scholars must be recommended in writing by a JIBC Dean to the Dean of the Office of Applied Research and Graduate Studies (OARGS) (or the Vice-President Academic in the case of a recommendation by the Dean, OARGS) and recommendations must indicate and support the visiting scholar’s contribution to an area in the achievement of the JIBC Research Plan. Recommendations must be submitted with supporting documentation (e.g., curriculum vitae and letter of support).
2. Names brought forward with supporting documentation will require a simple majority vote by the JIBC Applied Research Committee.
General Principles
1. In order to encourage and foster academic and research excellence, the Institute respects the right to freedom of expression in teaching, mentoring, scholarship, publishing, and public presentations, and JIBC’s Policy on Academic Freedom and associated procedure.
2. JIBC’s commitment to academic excellence in education and research is based upon respect and value of independent scholarship, i.e. the right to engage in critical research issues, discourse, intellectual freedom of inquiry, critical peer review, and scholarly engagement of those involved in the teaching and the promotion of life-long learning processes.