Directed Studies, Applied Studies and Special Topics Courses

Policy Number
VP Academic
Program Council
Previous Name
Directed Studies and Special Topics Courses
Effective Date
May 02, 2019
March 05, 2025

The purpose of this Policy is to:

  • Ensure consistency across the Justice Institute of British Columbia ("JIBC” or the “Institute”) in definition and usage of the terms Directed Studies, Applied Studies, and Special Topics.
  • Establish Institute-wide procedures regulating the development and scheduling of Directed Studies, Applied Studies, and Special Topics courses.
  • Support curriculum flexibility and development through the use of these course options; ensuring that they maintain program integrity while enhancing student learning.
Policy Statement

Directed Studies, Applied Studies, and Special Topics courses are intended to enhance and support student learning by providing opportunity to go beyond or outside the regular topics offered in JIBC courses and programs. All of these courses must be approved as per the regular approval processes for courses.


Directed Studies, Applied Studies, and Special Topics courses are not seen as part of a school or division’s regular course offering, but are intended to capture a particular topic or Instructor expertise. Special Topics courses cannot be a required course for completion of a program. Directed and Applied Studies courses are normally meant to provide individuals or small groups of Students opportunity to complete their programming to meet their graduation requirements and must align with the established intent and goals of program.


Applied Studies – an individualized course used for applied, experiential learning opportunities offered on an ad hoc basis in support of a credentialed program and supervised by an Instructor.

Dean – The administrative head of a JIBC School.

Directed Studies – an individualized or small group course, normally theoretical in nature, offered on an ad hoc basis in support of a credentialed program and supervised by an Instructor.

Instructor - A person employed or engaged by JIBC who is responsible for providing instruction to Students or otherwise directing student learning experiences (may or may not include evaluation).

Registrar – The registrar of the Institute.

Special Topics – a course taught by an Instructor on a topic that is not covered in other JIBC courses. The Special Topics course code and name will be identified as XXXX-1175, e.g.  PLCE-1175: Special Topics - Fentanyl.

Student - A person the Registrar recognizes as being enrolled in a course or program of studies at the Institute. 


The procedures for Directed Studies, Applied Studies, and Special Topics courses as they related to this Policy are set out in Procedure 3310-001.

Related Policies and Procedures

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