Accommodation of Students with Disabilities

Policy Number
VP Academic
Board of Governors
Effective Date
December 15, 1998
November 21, 2019

The purpose of this policy is to facilitate fair and equal access to Justice Institute of British Columbia (“JIBC” or the “Institute”) courses, programs, facilities, and activities for Students with documented Disabilities. Academic Accommodation must be reasonably related to a Student’s Disability and is not intended to alter the fundamental learning outcomes for a particular course, program or activity. In all cases, JIBC will provide Students with Academic Accommodation in a manner that respects their dignity, privacy and autonomy.  

Policy Statement

JIBC is committed to providing Academic Accommodation to promote human rights, equity and diversity, and to comply with its duty under the British Columbia Human Rights Code to make its courses, programs and activities available in a manner that does not discriminate. JIBC strives to create an environment in which each Student is afforded an academic environment that has been developed on the principles of equal and equitable access, respect for individual differences and academic integrity. JIBC’s duty to accommodate Students with Disabilities is limited to providing Reasonable Academic Accommodation.


This policy applies to all JIBC Students. The Accessibility Manager and Staff Members may be available to the Student to provide advice and consultation.

Certain courses, programs or activities may have practicums, placements or experiential elements that are subject to requirements established by third parties which are outside of the control of JIBC. Students involved in an approved practicum, placement, or experiential exercise, seeking an exception to such third party requirements must make their request directly with the third party involved.

Once JIBC provides Academic Accommodation, Students are responsible for following procedures for Academic Accommodation to ensure that they meet the Essential Requirements of their course, program or activity.


Academic Accommodation – A change or alteration in the physical environment, or an adaptation of teaching, assessment or evaluation procedures, which is designed to meet the needs of a Student with a Disability. 

Dean – The administrative head of a JIBC School. 

Director, Student Affairs – JIBC’s Director of Student Affairs and Registrar.

Disability or Disabilities – A person with a “Disability” or “Disabilities” is one who has been diagnosed by an appropriate healthcare professional as having:

  • a mental health impairment; 
  • physical impairment; 
  • neurological impairment; 
  • learning disorder; or
  • sensory impairment, 

any of which may be permanent or temporary and is likely to continue while the Student is engaged in a course of study at JIBC and may significantly interfere with educational or academic pursuits.

Essential Requirement – A requirement of a course, program or activity that is normally required to pass and complete such course, program or activity. This may include, but is not limited to, acquisition and demonstration of knowledge and skills. 

Instructor – A person employed or engaged by JIBC who is responsible for providing instruction to Students or otherwise directing Student learning experiences (may or may not include evaluation). 

Manager – A person employed or engaged by JIBC who is responsible for managing one or more programs.

Reasonable Academic Accommodation – An Academic Accommodation may be considered reasonable unless it:

  • significantly alters the fundamental nature or the academic standards, Essential Requirements, or integrity of their course, program or activity;
  • has a significant adverse impact on learning opportunities for other Students;
  • imposes a threat to personal or public safety; or
  • results in undue hardship to the Institute; a particular course, program or activity; the Instructor or other Students.

Staff Member – A JIBC employee or contractor, excluding those otherwise defined in this policy.

Student – A person the Registrar recognizes as being enrolled in a course or program of studies at the Institute. For the purpose of this policy, includes prospective students.

Vice-President Academic (VPA) – The person responsible for all academic programs at the Institute.


The procedures for dealing with a request for Academic Accommodation are set out in Procedure 3209-001.

Student Awareness

Students are required to make themselves aware of all JIBC policies and procedures. Lack of awareness of this or any other JIBC policy does not excuse a Student from responsibility for their actions. 

Employee Awareness

Employees are required to make themselves aware of all JIBC policies and procedures. Lack of awareness of this or any other JIBC policy does not excuse an employee from responsibility for their actions. 

Related Policies and Procedures