Jon is the lead educator for the ACP program at JIBC’s Victoria campus. Jon's 33-year career includes working as an Advanced Care Paramedic in Vancouver and Victoria, a Paramedic Practice Educator for BCEHS, an Operations Manager, and his current role in Clinical and Medical Programs as a Paramedic Practice Leader. Jon is a lifelong learner who continues to pursue education in related fields.
Why did you choose to get involved in the education of Advanced Care Paramedics at JIBC?
I have been an educator in some capacity for most of my career. Paramedic practice has evolved a great deal in the last decade and continues to grow. I wanted to be part of the change and contribute to the profession that has given me so much. The education and student experience needs to evolve at the same rate as the practice. Today's students will be the clinical leaders, educators, and mentors of tomorrow. Most of all, I enjoy working with the students and supporting them to reach their goals.
What do you feel that you bring to the Advanced Care Paramedic program at JIBC?
I believe that I can apply the breadth of experience and education I have acquired throughout my career to the delivery of paramedic education making it relevant and interesting. I fully understand the student's transition from didactic, simulated, and clinical education to independent practice. My current role with BCEHS as a Paramedic Practice Leader involves a great deal of research in evidence-based practice and advancing clinical practice for paramedics. I have led several major clinical initiatives and clinical trials for BCEHS as well as authoring and coauthoring papers on paramedic practice. I also have a genuine interest in seeing students succeed.
Why should students choose the JIBC ACP program over other programs?
JIBC has an incredible team of people working to continuously improve curriculum and student experience. Paramedic education has evolved from vocational training to advanced education and continues to expand as JIBC moves towards a degree program. The JIBC is the frontrunner in advancing paramedic practice and education in British Columbia and works closely with one of the largest EMS service providers and employers in Canada, BCEHS.