My career path is not that different from many paramedics here in BC. I started off as a lifeguard in my teenage years and then moved on to ski patrol. I got started with BCEHS in 2005 and did both my PCP and ACP training at JIBC’s New West Campus. I had been working as an instructor for the ACP program when I transferred to Kelowna in order to be with my family. I was eager to carry on my role with JIBC when this year’s ACP cohort started at the Okanagan campus and now consider myself fortunate to be a lead instructor here in Kelowna and work with a great team of local ACPs and administrators.
Why did you choose to get involved in the education of Advanced Care Paramedics at JIBC? Paramedicine has been a passion of mine since I was a teenager. I went through the ranks of lifeguarding, ski patrolling, and paramedicine here in BC. I remember the knowledgeable and helpful instructors I had when I did my own ACP training at JIBC and I’m now excited at the opportunity to give something back.
What do you feel that you bring to the Advanced Care Paramedic program at JIBC?
My career in pre-hospital care now spans 20+ years. In that time, I’ve worked as an ACP and CCP in multiple areas of the province and been given a good appreciation of the resources and challenges faced by the different health authorities here in BC. My goal is to use that experience to help students navigate the depth of academia associated with the program as well as the demanding (yet rewarding) nature of their practicums. Since I still work in the field, students will see me supporting them both in the classroom and in the field. I am also a keen adult learner myself and like to stay up to date with current best practice guidelines. Education and the rest of life need to be balanced, however, and I am aware of the complexities of juggling family life and work/school. I hope to help students find strategies that keep them successful in their training while also making enough time to focus on the other commitments in their lives.
Why should students choose the JIBC ACP program over other programs?
JIBC has a long track record of attracting some of the best paramedics in BC to help deliver their course content. The perspectives and rationale that come from this experience is invaluable to students and just aren’t available anywhere else in BC. JIBC is also constantly striving to improve its program, taking feedback from each cohort and applying it to future classes. The program is up to date for medical knowledge and the delivery model is solidly established so that students know what to expect.