Anna Richards is a Registered Clinical Counsellor in private practice helping individuals and couples address a range of concerns such as acute anxiety, major life transitions, and workplace conflict. She is also a consultant with Neutral Zone Coaching and Consulting focused on mediation.
In JIBC’s Centre for Conflict Resolution, she is a coach in a number of conflict resolution courses including Negotiation Level 1 and Foundations of Collaborative Conflict Resolution. In her coaching role, she aims to create a fun learning environment where students feel comfortable to challenge themselves as they learn about themselves and practice new skills and techniques.
“I believe that most of our interpersonal challenges stem from avoiding difficult conversations or getting emotionally flooded in the face of conflict. In learning how to manage ourselves in stressful environments, we can expand our capacity to work effectively in all of life’s settings,” she said. “I encourage students to pay attention to what’s going on for them as they navigate their way through the process.”