Flags at all JIBC campuses at half-mast to honour the dedication and sacrifice of Const. Shelby Patton

It is with great sadness that the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) announces that flags at all JIBC campuses will be lowered to half-mast to honour the dedication and sacrifice of an RCMP police officer killed in the line of duty in Saskatchewan this weekend. Const. Shelby Patton of the Indian Head RCMP Detachment died Saturday, June 12 of injuries sustained while initiating a traffic stop.

Const. Shelby Patton, 26, worked at the Indian Head Detachment since 2015, the entirety of his six years and four months of service with the RCMP. Const. Patton's family is also part of the RCMP family. They have lost a husband, son and brother. Our deepest condolences go out to the RCMP and Const. Patton’s family, friends and colleagues. Const. Shelby Patton’s sacrifice, dedication and commitment to keeping his community safe will not be forgotten.


JIBC is a public, post-secondary institution focused on justice and public safety professionals at all stages of their careers in fields including law enforcement, firefighting, paramedicine, security and emergency management. Complementing these programs, the Institute provides instruction in related areas such as conflict resolution, mediation, leadership and counselling, offers graduate studies in cybersecuritybusiness intelligence, and tactical criminal analysis, and conducts applied research in the justice and public safety fields.