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For media inquiries, please contact Wanda Chow, Communications & Engagement Advisor, at wchow@jibc.ca or 604.528.5879.
Blue Griffin Banner
Monday, Sept. 19, 2022 has been designated a national day of mourning for HM Queen Elizabeth II on the day of her funeral. As a result, JIBC programming, with a few select exceptions, will be…
Wide view of students in a classroom.
A new open educational resource (OER) guidebook, developed by the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) is now available to help educators to apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL)…
Participants in Indigenous Youth Career Camp at JIBC learn to use a fire hose at the Maple Ridge campus.
The Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) was pleased to welcome participants to its Indigenous Youth Career Camp (IYCC) at its campuses last week, July 18 to 22, where they gained an…
News Foundation AGM
The Justice Institute of British Columbia Foundation reported on a successful year at its June Annual General Meeting (AGM), in which donor generosity saw over $600,000 received and more than $750,…
Graduating class of sheriff recruits stand at attention at ceremony at Vancouver Law Courts on June 30, 2022.
The most-recent class of B.C. Sheriff Service recruits has graduated at the Vancouver Law Courts after completing their training through the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC). Read more at…
Graduates exit 2022 Spring Convocation ceremony.
The Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) celebrated the achievements of approximately 700 graduates and bestowed an honorary degree on retired Judge Thomas Gove at its Spring Convocation…
iSimulate monitor used in paramedic training
Two $100,000-donations have changed the way students in JIBC’s Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) and Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP) programs learn life-saving skills. The gifts, made by a donor who wishes…
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation artwork
For the children When they buried the children What they didn’t know They were lovingly embraced By the land Held and cradled in a mother’s heart The trees wept for them, with the wind They sang…

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