Course Details

This course is intended for family mediators who are working with separating couples and will cover the drafting of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) including the purpose, structure and contents of an agreement. Participants will learn how MOUs relate to other existing court documents. In addition, it will discuss the Agreement to Mediate, and how agreements are formalized and changed. This course is an essential component of working as a family mediator in separation and divorce cases and is designed to meet Family Mediation Canada Standards for certification. Please note that the course will not deal with the division of property or making a formal agreement.


  • None

Course Offerings

Nov 04, 2024 - Nov 18, 2024
Agreements & Related Crt Order
Seats available
hidden text
Nov 04, 2024 - Nov 18, 2024
Date Details
Online 2024/11/04 - 2024/11/18
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees

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