As part of their diversity and social action outreach, JIBC Law Enforcement Studies students have launched a month-long social media challenge to encourage people to recognize and acknowledge the women who have influenced their lives.
As part of their diversity and social action outreach, JIBC Law Enforcement Studies students have launched a month-long social media challenge to encourage people to recognize and acknowledge the women who have influenced their lives.

Every day all around the world, women and women-identified people act bravely, face danger, put others’ needs before their own, create life-saving innovations, and bring about remarkable and meaningful change.

International Women’s Day is our opportunity to raise awareness, honour and celebrate these women who we look up to as the heroes in our lives.

Our JIBC Law Enforcement Studies students have launched a month-long social media challenge to encourage people of all ages and genders to recognize and acknowledge the women leaders, first responders, caregivers, elders, visionaries, artists, mothers, activists, friends and social justice champions who have influenced their lives. 

Our law enforcement students have undertaken a massive challenge and mission: go viral! As part of their diversity and social action outreach, can they initiate and grow #ThisWomanMyHero into a viral campaign? Everyone is invited to help our students achieve their mission goal and make this campaign “go viral”.

Why are our students initiating and supporting the #ThisWomanMyHero campaign?

Our collective story at JIBC is one of training heroes — leaders, first responders, aboriginal advocates, safety experts and social-change-makers. The work is challenging, risky and vital to our communities and country. When many people think of heroes, however, they forget about the many women who have stepped up, sacrificed and been of service to their community, country or cause.

At the New Westminster campus, JIBC students have created a #ThisWomanMyHero mural where students, staff, faculty and visitors are sharing photos, notes and art to acknowledge the women in their lives who are heroes. Everyone is invited to add to our mural-celebration which will be up until March 10.

Everyone can share their #ThisWomanMyHero messages on social media for the month of March. Come join us and share using #ThisWomanMyHero.

Who are your women heroes?