Standards and Taxonomies for a Canadian Paramedic Information System

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ron Bowles 

Research Team: Ron Meyers, Dr. Joe Acker, Dr. Greg Anderson, Kathy Harms, Penny Price, Pierre Poirier, Dawn Ursuliak

Project Dates: July 2019 – March 2022

Project Funding: $998,407

Project Summary: 

The Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC), BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS), the Paramedic Association of Canada (PAC), the Regional Paramedic Programs of Eastern Ontario (RPPEO), and CSA Group (CSA) are collaborating to create a conceptual framework and national standards for a Canadian Paramedic Information System (CPIS). This project will explore key aspects of paramedic practice, including practitioner capabilities, operations, and community needs. Through this initiative, the partners aim to improve paramedic services by developing evidence-based standards that enhance decision-making, operational practices, and patient outcomes across Canada.

Partners:     BC Emergency Health Services
                    Canadian Standards Association Group
                    Paramedic Association of Canada
                    Paramedic Chiefs of Canada
                    Regional Paramedic Programs of Eastern Ontario 
                    Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators

Outcomes and Benefits:

The project successfully developed the national Framework and Standard, CSA Z1635:22 Functional Requirements and Core Data Set for a Canadian Paramedic Information System (CPIS). Key outcomes include a comprehensive repository of paramedic data resources, a conceptual framework outlining core concepts and models, user case scenarios, and a roadmap for future standards. These deliverables enhance evidence-based decision-making, policy development, and operational practices, improving paramedic health, safety, and performance across Canada while advancing the profession and supporting better patient outcomes.

Funding and Support: Defence Research and Development Canada

Project Status: Completed

Deliverable: Standards and Taxonomies for a Canadian Paramedic Information System