Is this course right for you?
The PCP Refresher course is designed to meet the licensing exam prerequisite requirements of the Emergency Medical Assistant Licensing Branch (EMALB). The course is open to eligible individuals, including previously licensed PCP-level paramedics and graduates from an accredited PCP program.
This stand-alone course consists of four weeks of online study facilitated by an instructor, followed by eight days in class. Students will review PCP resources (including treatment guidelines, protocols, and skill checklists), participate in discussions, complete quizzes, and write assignments. The classroom sessions include practice simulations and end with two to three days of practical assessment.
The PCP Refresher is listed as a pre-approved activity under JIBC-PCP Refresher Course and is worth 40 continuing education credits within the EMA Continuing Competence System.
The PCP Refresher is the recommended course for PCP graduates who did not participate in EMALB licensing evaluation process within 12 months from the date PCP certification was issued, were unsuccessful in EMALB licensing process, or whose PCP license is suspended or expired.
Paramedics who are currently licensed may take this course to refresh their skills and gain continuing education credits. Our students include paramedics in rural locations with low call volumes and those returning to work after leave.
Upon completion of this course successful candidates looking to obtain licensure must apply to EMALB or licensing bodies in other provinces for examination.
Please note that this course does not guarantee success at licensure or IV endorsements.
This stand-alone course consists of four weeks of online study facilitated by an instructor, followed by eight days in class. Students will review PCP resources (including treatment guidelines, protocols, and skill checklists), participate in discussions, complete quizzes, and writing assignments. The classroom sessions include practice simulations and end with two to three days of practical assessment.
Course Information
The online portion of the course is completed part-time over four weeks and the classroom portion is full-time over a ten day period (8 classroom days). Please allow for 8 to 12 hours of study each week and plan to log in to the course every few days.
The classroom portion is full-time. Plan to spend additional time during evenings and the weekend on review and practice.
The following textbook volumes are required. Students must make arrangements to purchase or borrow a copy before the course starts (and are encouraged to begin reviewing the material). Students who completed the PCP program at JIBC may already own a copy.
Textbook (Volumes 1 & 2): Bledsoe, B.E., Porter, R.S., Cherry, R.A., and Clayden, D.E. (2006). Essentials of Paramedic Care, Canadian Edition, Vol. 1 & 2. Toronto, Canada: Pearson Education Inc. ISBN 9780131976153
Students may also want to purchase an additional print or electronic resources to prepare for the COPR written exam.
Upcoming Courses
Course Code and Title: PARA-1292, Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) Refresher
Tentative Dates for 2025: TBA
Class location: JIBC New Westminster campus
Note that we do not offer accommodation on campus for course participants.
Eligibility Requirements
British Columbia (for licensing in British Columbia)
Any JIBC graduate from the PCP, PCP_DND or SAR RTM/QL5A Medical Training program (within 3 years) who did not obtain licensure or
Graduate from an accredited PCP certificate/diploma program (within 3 years) who did not obtain licensure, must provide transcript and PCP certificate or
Applicants with a suspended expired or restricted EMA PCP License (within 3 years), must provide a copy of their expired EMA License or
Any paramedic currently licensed in Canada at a Primary Care or higher level
Manitoba (for licensing in Manitoba)
Any JIBC graduate from the PCP, PCP_DND or SAR RTM/QL5A Medical Training program (within 3 years) who did not obtain licensure or
Graduate from an accredited PCP certificate/diploma program (within 3 years) who did not obtain licensure, must provide transcript and PCP certificate or
Applicants with a suspended, expired or restricted PCP License (within 3 years), must provide a copy of their expired EMA License (Note: no completion certification will be sent to the EMALB, students will be able to request an official transcript to present to the licensing body in Manitoba) or
Any paramedic currently licensed in Canada at a Primary Care or higher level
Saskatchewan (for licensing in Saskatchewan)
Any JIBC graduate from the PCP, PCP_DND or SAR RTM/QL5A Medical Training program (within 3 years) who did not obtain licensure or
Graduate from an accredited PCP certificate/diploma program (within 3 years) who did not obtain licensure, must provide transcript and PCP certificate or
Applicants with a suspended expired or restricted PCP License (within 3 years), must provide a copy of their expired EMA License (Note: no completion certification will be sent to the EMALB, students will be able to request an official transcript to present to the licensing body in Saskatchewan) or
Any paramedic currently licensed in Canada at a Primary Care or higher level
Other Canadian Provinces (for licensing in British Columbia)
Any JIBC graduate from the PCP, PCP_DND or SAR RTM/QL5A Medical Training program (within 3 years) who did not obtain licensure or
Graduate from an accredited PCP certificate/diploma program (within 3 years) who did not obtain licensure, must provide transcript and PCP certificate or
Any paramedic currently licensed in Canada at a Primary Care or higher level
International or Not Meeting above Requirements
Individuals who are or have been licensed paramedics from outside of Canada or who do not meet the above requirements may be eligible to Audit the PCP Refresher course with permission of the program area. Note: Students wishing to audit a course must declare this intention at the time of registration. They will be enrolled in the course under an Audit status, which will deny them access to the evaluative components of the course. Audited courses appear on students’ official transcripts without a final grade and students do not receive the academic credits associated with course completion. The fee for auditing a course is the same as the regular domestic or international tuition fee for the course. JIBC does not send audit course completion documentation to the licensing body in BC or other Canadian provinces.
For a list of accredited PCP programs, see the Accreditation Canada website.
Domestic $1,823.00 *
International $5,468.00 *
Additional Fees
Learner Services Fee $3.14
* Tuition and fees for the program are approximate and effective as of April 1, 2023. All fees are subject to change without prior notice.
The following textbook volumes are required. Students must make arrangements to purchase or borrow a copy before the course starts (and are encouraged to begin reviewing the material). Students who completed the PCP program at JIBC may already own a copy.
Textbook (Volumes 1 & 2): Bledsoe, B.E., Porter, R.S., Cherry, R.A., and Clayden, D.E. (2006). Essentials of Paramedic Care, Canadian Edition, Vol. 1 & 2. Toronto, Canada: Pearson Education Inc. ISBN 9780131976153
Students may also want to purchase an additional print or electronic resources to prepare for the COPR written exam.
Alumni from the JIBC PCP or JIBC SARTech QL5A/RTM programs with graduation dates within 36 months (3 years) of a PCP Refresher course start date may contact the registration office directly at JIBC 604.528.5590 or 1.877.528.5591 Toll-Free (North America only) to register.
All others please email pcprefresher@jibc.ca with the following information:
- Your full legal name and address
- Proposed PCP Refresher course start date
- Graduates from Canadian accredited PCP programs, with graduation dates within 36 months (3 years) of the PCP Refresher course start date, please include:
name of school attended,
graduation date,
copy of your PCP certificate, and
copy of your official academic transcript.
- Individuals with a current, suspended, expired, or restricted BC PCP license within 36 months (3 years) of the course start date, please include a scanned copy of your last issued BC PCP license.
- Out of province or international residents and license holders: Please include why you are interested in taking the course as well as any information related to the Eligibility Requirements above.
Program staff will review your eligibility and communicate next steps for course registration.