Program Council

Program Council sets policies, criteria, procedures, schedules and curriculum content for students, the faculty, programs and the institution.

Under the College and Institute Act (1996; 2002sen) the Justice Institute Board of Governors has “the powers and duties of an Education Council to discharge under its own bylaws.” The Board has delegated these responsibilities through the President to Program Council.

Elected from the Program Council Membership, the Chair leads the Program Council. The alternate Chair is the Vice-President, Academic.

Council composition
  • Up to 10 faculty members and staff

  • Three senior management staff appointed by the President

  • Vice-President, Academic (ex officio)

  • Four students

  • Two support staff

  • Registrar (ex officio)

  • Institute Librarian (ex officio)

  • Sets policies concerning examinations and evaluation of student performance

  • Sets policies concerning student withdrawal from courses, programs, and the institution

  • Establishes criteria for academic standing, academic standards, and the grading system

  • Sets criteria for awards recognizing academic excellence

  • Sets policies and procedures for appeals by students on academic matters, and establishes a final appeal tribunal for these appeals


  • Establishes curriculum content for courses leading to certificates, diplomas and degrees
  • Sets policies concerning library and resource centres
  • Sets the academic schedule and annual schedule of dates

  • Sets policies on faculty member qualifications

  • Establishes policies for admission qualifications

  • Sets policies and scheduling for the review of programs

Additional functions and responsibilities of Education Councils (established in the College and Institute Act) remain under the final responsibility and authority of the Board of Governors.

Read Terms of Reference

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