The Sheriff Academy is one of the founding members of the Justice Institute of British Columbia.
Our primary mandate is to develop and deliver training for the BC Sheriff Service.
Sheriff Recruit Training (SRT) is a 14-week, mandatory training program provided at no charge to candidates who are selected as sheriff recruits by the BC Sheriff Service.
Recruits are employees of the Court Services Branch of the Ministry of Justice and receive a training wage while completing the SRT. Individuals attending from outside the Lower Mainland are eligible for travel and accommodation costs.
SRT consists of two blocks of training.
Block I
The first block of training (11 weeks) takes place at JIBC. It places heavy emphasis on the skills necessary to perform the role of a Deputy Sheriff which include, driver training, firearms, force options, communications, legal studies, report writing, controlled access points, roles & functions, and physical fitness.
Block II
In Block II, the recruit embarks on a maximum three week field-based training program. During this field-training component, the recruit works with or under the direction of a specially trained deputy sheriff known as a training officer, who will also complete a recruit evaluation.
Recruits are employees of the Court Services Branch of the Ministry of Justice and receive a training wage while completing the SRT. Individuals attending from outside the Lower Mainland are eligible for travel and accommodation costs.
In order to progress to the rank of Deputy Sheriff, recruits must successfully complete the SRT, including:
- Achieving mastery in each component of the training program to the level required by the curriculum;
- Full-time attendance for length of program;
- Completion of homework assignments;
- Completion of pre-course assignments;
- Possible attendance on one or two Saturdays or evening classes during the eleven-week program; and
- Successfully complete the field based training program.
For more information about becoming a sheriff, contact BC Sheriff Services.
The JIBC Sheriff Academy is responsible for the development and delivery of advanced programs to serve deputies and sheriffs on behalf of the Court Services Branch of the BC Government.
It offers a high-quality learning experience for BC Sheriff Services personnel through its advanced courses that use a performance-based approach and are delivered by experienced and respected instructors.
Our courses and programs are designed to enhance the existing skills of deputies and sheriffs so that they may more effectively execute their respective duties and/or further their career opportunities.
JIBC can provide customized course design and delivery to meet specific requirements of any organization. We can also assist clients with program development, provide consulting for the short or long term, and/or train trainers to organizations can be self-sufficient and maintain courses in-house.
The JIBC Sheriff Academy offers threat management training and education for professionals serving in law enforcement, government and private sector organizations that wish to enhance their knowledge and expertise in response to various threats to personal safety and security in the workplace, at home, or in a public space in the community.
Our courses in Threat Management provide practical information and tools that can be applied immediately, helping to enhance the security of individuals, organizations and communities.
TMGT-1000 Threat Awareness | TMGT-1005 Fundamentals of Managing Targeted Violence |
TMGT-1015 Motives & Domains of Violence | TMGT-1020 Threat Management Process & Communication |
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